January 2020


Grace and peace to you, people of Zion and Salem. 

I am so excited to begin serving as your pastor.  It has been a long journey of studying, praying, and discerning for all of us, but now we are ready to begin this time together.

And how joyous to be in this time of beginning so close to the beginning of the church year!  To be together for the seasons of Christmas into Epiphany is a delight.  A time when our liturgical calendar invites us to pay close attention to God’s work in our midst.  The word “epiphany” comes from a Greek word meaning “revelation.”  It points us to the revelation of God with us, Immanuel.  For me, it is so much easier to pay close attention when I am beginning something new.  My mind is focused on how much I need to learn and observe in a season of newness, so I feel a special blessing to have that boon at the beginning of Epiphany.  “Pay attention!” is my task right now, and let us do this together.  Let us keep watch for each other.  What is the Spirit stirring up around us and in our lives?

So let us begin this time together with eyes wide open to how the Spirit of God is moving among us.  To how God is active in this place.  I invite you to stop in and greet me in the office.  I also invite you to watch for sign up sheets for small group conversations.  Let us get to know each other and hear each others’ stories.  I am so delighted to be here with you.

Pastor Nicole


Zion Lutheran Church
100 W Midland Ave
Ironwood, MI 49938
Phone: (906) 932-1320

Office hours:
Tuesday - Thursday10am-1pm