Zion Faith Community Participation Opportunities
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church is a welcoming community of faith. Part of being a member of a faith community is getting involved and making friends. We all have unique ways to share our time and talents. Here are some options of fellowship:
Many find their worship experience enhanced by being actively involved in the worship service itself. Musicians, greeters, ushers, readers, acolytes, Communion assistants, Communion set-up and clean up are all needed to make members and guest feel at home during the worship experience.
Saturday Praise Service
Each Saturday evening at 5 PM Zion holds a unique opportunity to Praise and Worship. Contemporary musicians accompany the service. It is a perfect opportunity for guests in our area to worship after a fun day of skiing, biking, hiking etc. in our beautiful Northwoods. Casual dress is welcomed.
If you would like to be involved, please call our church office and Andrea will connect you with the appropriate person to get you started.
Sunday Fellowship Hour
Each Sunday following the 9 AM worship service everyone is invited downstairs to enjoy fellowship over coffee/beverages, baked goods and treats. Feel welcome to share in conversation about faith and learn about upcoming congregation activities.
Confirmation Class
Where seedings of FAITH are growing! Every Wednesday 3 PM at Salem Lutheran Church for snacks followed by Class with Myles Rowe
![Confirmation Class](http://www.zionlutheranchurchironwood.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Confirmation-Class.jpg)
Confirmation Class
Kids Club
Where seeds of FAITH are planted! Every Wednesday at 3 PM at Salem Lutheran Church. Snacks, interactive story ministry, puppet ministry, games and MUSIC.
NOTE: The final day of Kids’ Club for this school year is April 27th. Have a great summer!
![Interactive Learning](https://www.zionlutheranchurchironwood.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Interactive-learning.jpg)
Interactive Learning
![Spreading God's blessings around the world making school kits for missions](https://www.zionlutheranchurchironwood.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Spreading-Gods-blessings-around-the-world-making-school-kits-for-missions.jpg)
Spreading God’s blessings around the world making school kits for missions
![Puppet Ministry](https://www.zionlutheranchurchironwood.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Puppet-Ministry-1.jpg)
Puppet Ministry